With more than 45 million under-insulated homes in the U.S., according to a study conducted by Harvard University, a smart investment in insulation now can go a long way in combating rising heating costs in the future.
Here are some effective and environmentally responsible actions that homeowners can take to reduce the impact of home heating costs:
- Conduct a home energy audit. An auditor can pinpoint areas where your home loses valuable energy and can suggest ways to conserve heating fuel, hot water and electricity.
- Seal & Insulate. For the most cost-effective way to improve energy efficiency and comfort, ENERGY STAR(R) recommends sealing and insulating the shell of your home, including outer walls, ceilings, windows, doors and floors. You can begin by caulking and weather stripping around doors and windows.
- Make sure your attic has enough insulation. Measure the depth of insulation in your attic. If it measures less than 11 or 12 inches, depending on your region, you should add more insulation.
- Improve efficiency throughout the home. Although 56 percent of the average home's energy costs go toward heating and cooling, homeowners can do a number of things on a daily basis to reduce overall home energy costs. Use compact florescent light bulbs, purchase ENERGY STAR appliances, and unplug chargers and electronics when not in use. Also, cleaning or replacing filters on furnaces once a month will improve performance and help reduce costs.