Within 39 branches of industrial divisions, the profits of 38 industrial divisions increased year-on-year; while that of 1 declined. Of which, the profits of petroleum and natural gas extraction industry increased 36.3 percent, that of ferrous metal mining and processing went up by 54.5 percent, that of raw chemical materials and chemical products rose by 55.6 percent, that of chemical fiber industry increased 39.5 percent, that of ferrous metal smelting and processing industry rose by 22.8 percent, that of non-ferrous metal smelting and processing industry jumping 64.6 percent, that of transportation equipment manufacturing expanding 11.5 percent, that of communication equipment, computers and other electric equipment production went rose by 2.1 percent, that of power and heat production and supply grew to 5.4 percent, while that of processing of petroleum, coking, processing of nuclear fuel dropped 85.3 percent.
The main business revenue of enterprises above designated reached 53,169.5 billion yuan, ballooned 29.9 percent, year-on-year., the cost of main business revenue for per hundred yuan stood at 85.08 yuan, with the margin hit 6.07 percent.
The costs of revenue from principal business of state-owned and state-holding industrial enterprises grew to 14,808.1 billion yuan, increased 23.2 percent, the costs of revenue from principal business for per hundred yuan stood at 82.23 yuan, with the margin hit 6.87 percent, that of collective-owned enterprises reached 811.2 billion yuan, increased 29.1 percent, the costs of revenue from principal business for per hundred yuan stood at 85.70 yuan, with the margin hit 6.4 percent, that of joint-stock enterprises reached 29,928.6 billion yuan, increased 33.7 percent, the costs of revenue from principal business for per hundred yuan stood at 84.8 yuan, with the margin hit 6.14 percent, that of foreign funded enterprises, and enterprises funded from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan achieved 13,968.3 billion yuan, increased 22.2 percent, the costs of revenue from principal business for per hundred yuan stood at 86.12 yuan, with the margin hit 6.04 percent, and that of private enterprises gained 15,866.3 billion yuan, increased 39.3 percent, the costs of revenue from principal business for per hundred yuan stood at 86.37 yuan, with the margin hit 5.59 percent.
By the end of August, the total volume of net receivable for industrial enterprises hit 6,846.4 billion yuan, went up 21.2 percent, year-on-year. The total value of finished products for industrial enterprises accounted for 2,644.9 billion yuan, went up 23.4 percent, year-on-year.