Different from the stagnant growth in the European Union and the United States export markets, with active innovation, China's electronic information products are exporting to the promising Indian and Russian markets, which sustainably present a strong growth trend with 51.5 percent and 57.2 percent increases in the first two months respectively this year.
But during the same period, the US dollar's substantial depreciation against the RMB has caused Chinese electronic exporters to greatly suffer from huge exchange rate losses. This means the traditional settlement method based on US dollars for exported commodities is changing. Many enterprises delayed the US dollar's settlement date or adopted the multiplex currencies to tackle the problem.
However, hopefully, proper application of e-commerce, comprehensive adoption of internet marketing methods to expand marketing channels and continuous training of e-commercial personnel can greatly increase sales volume as a whole as well as ease and resolve medium-sized enterprises' current trade crisis. E-commerce experts at Tootoo.com called for enterprises to vigorously develop the application of e-commerce in their product management and marketing and to increase service trade in the proportion of conventional trade to drive their products' trade development.