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Home News Asia Honda Publishes Honda Environmental Annual Report 2007

Honda Publishes Honda Environmental Annual Report 2007
added: 2007-06-27

Honda Motor Co., Ltd. issued its Honda Environmental Annual Report 2007, outlining results of the Company's environmental initiatives for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2007 as well as targets for the current fiscal year ending March 31, 2008.

With the report, Honda discloses a wide range of information including progress Honda made during the previous fiscal year toward its 2010 global CO2 reduction targets, newly set 2010 environmental footprint reduction targets for business activities in Japan and initiatives to be carried out to accomplish such targets.

Published annually since 1998, which makes this year'both as an annual report on the targets and progress of environmental activities based on the "Honda Environment Statement," established in1992, and as an environmental communication tool for collecting critical feedback and comments from a larger number of people.

The principle achievements announced in the report for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2007 are as follows:

Progress toward 2010 global CO2 reduction targets for products and production

Striving to become a company that manufactures products with the lowest CO2 emissions at manufacturing plants with the lowest CO2 emissions, Honda announced 2010 global CO2 reduction targets last year. Progress made toward these goals during the fiscal year ended March 31, 2007 was disclosed in the report.

Progress toward 2010 global CO2 reduction targets for products and production

 Honda Publishes Honda Environmental Annual Report 2007

Expanding the number of low emission vehicles in Japan

Honda's seven automobile models/15 types in Japan are newly approved as low emission vehicles, or low emission vehicles. As of March 2007, the total number of Honda vehicles approved as low emission vehicles increased to 26 models/58 types, which accounts for 87.4% of total automobile sales in Japan - up 1.5 points compared to the previous fiscal year.

Source: JCN

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