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Asia-Pacific was home to some 121 million 3G subscribers in 2007 and an estimated 158.4 million in 2008. By 2013, the region's 3G subscriber base is expected to top 564 million, accounting for about 18.2 percent of all mobile users. With 3G subscriber net additions in record numbers year-on-year, mobile operators are eager to monetize 3G external broadband devices, namely dongles and datacards, to complement their mobile broadband offerings.

The Conference Board Leading Economic Index for Korea declined 3.5 percent and The Conference Board Coincident Economic Index declined 1.7 percent in November.

Fitch Ratings has commented in a special report, "Chinese Banks: Asset Quality Under Pressure As Credit Cycle Turns" that the asset quality of Chinese banks will inevitably come under pressure from the considerably worsened economic environment and rising stress among borrowers. However, the agency has cautioned that this deterioration could take significantly longer than expected to manifest itself in loan quality data, due to features regarding the way loans are extended and classified in China that could significantly lengthen the time before asset quality problems appear in data.

According to the results of nationwide survey showed that entrepreneur confidence index (ECI) gained 94.6 in the fourth quarter of 2008, dropped 29.2 over the previous quarter.

The credit crisis and the global economy meltdown has contributed to a significant shift in the Healthcare industry in 2009. Healthcare in Asia Pacific will not be affected as severely as the developed countries.

Chinese textile and clothing exports increased by 11% in the first six months of 2008 although EU imports from China rose by only 5.1% and US imports from China increased by just 0.7%. As a result, domestic output grew by a smaller margin than in the past. Textile imports fell, implying weaker activity in textile and clothing manufacturing although clothing imports soared by 25%.

Business Climate Survey results of NBS in whole country showed that the national business climate index (BCI) was 107.0 in the fourth quarter of 2008, dropped 21.6 points over the third quarter.

The Conference Board Leading Economic Index for Japan decreased 2.6 percent and The Conference Board Coincident Economic Index decreased 0.9 percent in November.

The period covered by this report is one where China's consumer electronics market reached what will perhaps be its nadir in terms of annual growth, between the years 2004 and 2006, when annual volume growth rates were above double-digit rates. Growth since then has weakened, and there are several good reasons for this.

In 2007, China’s total expenditures on science and technology continued to maintain a rapid growth. The expenditures of research and development funds have increased steadily, the input intensity reached the highest level in the history; S&T funds allocated by national finance was further consolidated, which achieved the highest level in nearly a decade in national financial expenditures.

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